Thursday, November 19, 2009

Join Lawn Crusaders and the Victory Gardening Movement at the 7th Congress Thanksgiving Activism Party in Tarzana this Saturday 11/21, 2009

Gratitude is Action: Join Lawn Crusaders and the Victory Gardening Movement at the 7th Congress Thanksgiving Activism Party in Tarzana this Saturday 11/21, 2009

Workshops will be held from 3:30-6:00 pm
From 6 PM on we will be eating and socializing until 10:00 pm.
Please bring a favorite dish to share with friends, and also the recipe if you desire to do so! No meat dishes please.

Location: Tarzana
Date: 11/21/2009 Time: 3:30-6:00 PM 6:00-10:00 pm

Many of us at Lawn Crusaders and in the Victory Gardening Movement will join the following workshop/party this Saturday. We have worked with them since their creation, and highly recommend them. Tell Zoe we sent you, if interested:

7th Congress Thanksgiving Party.

We are very excited to see everyone next Saturday! There is no admittance charge.
The party will be on November 21 with the workshops running from 3:30-6pm and the party from 6:15-10pm.

We would like to make a "Stone salad" rather than a "Stone soup". In order to do this we would like everyone to bring one veggie item that can be used to build a salad. No need to let us know what you are bringing, because the magic will
be in the surprise. We will put everything together at the party and then enjoy our creation.

The event is a potluck, and it is helpful if you can list the item that they will be bringing. No meat dishes please. The list is located at this website: No need to create an account with luckypotluck.

Volunteers for setup and cleanup would be appreciated.

The official Invitation is here:

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Thursday, January 1, 2009