Sunday, September 21, 2008


[HC-ComAd04 - V101-080921]

This is another variation of a barter / crop-sharing ad. The data in this one focuses on the issue of *why* eating right is so important: We are what we eat.


Want to EAT ORGANIC FOOD at no costs to you whatsoever?

If you have some land with water and preferably some usable structures on it, available anywhere in West Los Angeles or South Ventura County (Think: On the coast, from Manhattan Beach to Ventura, and as far East as the 405 or even the 5, and along the 101, the 118 and the 126), or know someone who does, you could START EATING ORGANIC A FEW WEEKS FROM NOW AT NO COSTS TO YOU whatsoever!

Now, why would you want to do this?

Whether one's belief is that human life was created by the "big bang," God, Buddha, or the Raven, our origin is directly connected to the earth below our feet. There can be no denying or mistaking that we are directly reliant upon the Earth. Without this earth and the rest of the physical world, our bodies would not exist. Our health is ultimately dependent upon the health of the Earth.

The Energy of Life, the same energy that drives the seasons and all of nature, has been transmitted through millions of generations to power the present generation. It flows in the form of language, music, dance, art, genetics, knowledge of the natural and spiritual worlds, food, farming, minerals, and much more.

Originating with the beginning of time, this energy passes through all entities, including humans. Through us and subsequent millions of generations it will continue. Consider that we are but conduits through which life finds its way to the future. We are, in essence, our parents future. And our children are our future. Life only passes through us. We are but a part of life, the present caretakers, if you will. The body that contains each of us is the only one that we will experience. A new one cannot be purchased with all the riches of the world. Although the body you have can at all times be renewed – by the food you eat. That we are what we eat is a truism, yet, most people eat foods unfit for swine, the SAD, or “Standard American Diet”. How come?

As such, it is of the utmost importance that the vital information of Life Energy and a healthy environment be provided for today's children and those to follow. It is not only our responsibility to do so, but it is our purpose to ensure that this conduit remains strong and healthy to the best of our ability.

All the gold in the world will not take the place of health and happiness. Material objects will not provide health or happiness either — only distractions and complications. It is only right that the world they inherit be in better condition than what was left for us. By better condition, I mean that the waters should run pure, the air should clean, and the food unadulterated by man-made and disease-causing chemicals.

The children learn directly through our words and actions. If we show them that material wealth is what is real, then the human race will wither in direct proportion. They must learn from the elders that nature is real and that movies about nature are not.

Our energy comes directly from what we eat. That food, just like us, is a living entity. Its energy comes from the sun and its nutrients come from the Earth – from soil and atmosphere. All that we consume must be healthy in order for us to be. Being healthy is more than being without a cold or an illness. It also includes reproductive health. By eating foods polluted with man-made chemicals, the robustness of our reproductive health is diminished ever so slightly in each generation. To perceive this degradation within one generation is not always possible and therefore it could be said not to be happening. But unfortunately, it is happening at such an alarming rate that even the most adamantly against such ideas find it more than possible.


Q: All the following statements have something in common. What is it?
'The Green Revolution was a step forward for agriculture.
Pesticides have been rigorously tested by the EPA.
Pesticides are safe if used as labeled.
The higher the dose of pesticide, the higher the risk.
Pesticide residues on produce are safe because they are so low.
Without pesticides, pest infestation would wipe out many farms.
The benefits of pesticides outweigh the environmental costs.
Large-scale farms are much more productive than small-scale farms.
Organic crops are dangerous because they are fertilized with manure.
Organic foods are more expensive than the conventional food that comes from discount stores like Costco or Wal-Mart.
The use of genetically engineered crops will reduce pesticide usage.
Genetically engineered food will feed the starving masses of the world.
Vitamin-A rice will solve the problem many countries have with their eyes.
Genetically engineered crops are fully tested for safety.
Genetically engineered crops will be a great benefit to all farmers.
The genetically engineered crop industry is the most regulated industry in history.
The science of inserting genes into cells is extremely accurate.

A: All are false

Are you interested in the details of why they are false? This is an excerpt from a much longer article, an article everyone should read. You can find it here, and it will answer most of the questions you and any other reasonable person may have on this issue:

But what should be really important to you right now is that YOU COULD STOP EATING TOXIC OR TAINTED FOODS in a matter of days, and this, absolutely at no costs to you!

... as long as you own some land in the region, or know someone who does, as we are looking for land to grow organic and/or bio-dynamic food on, preferably in Western Los Angeles or Southern Ventura counties, and will compensate you for that land in form of a share of our crops. And even if you don't, you could create your own small garden in your backyard or a neighbor's backyard, or even buy an “Automated Garden” or a “Ready-Made Garden”, if you don't have the tie and inclination to do it on your own...

Think of what difference that could make to your health and to your life, and to the health and life of the people you care for!

Location: From W. LA County to South Ventura County


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