Now, although a personal Organic & Sustainable Garden is not the only possible way to go, it is by far the safest and most cost effective, and this is why we focus on it.
This is the "General Knowledge" section of our blog family. It's already a treasure trove after only a few months existence, and everything we publish there can be freely reproduced and used by anyone so inclined, anywhere in the world, as long as the material remains unchanged, as our copyright notices are also licenses for non-commercial use.
Everything published there will be brought to the community in a manner than makes emulating what we do as easy as can possibly be. This is the "HOW TO" section of our blog family. And also where the technological aspects will be discussed.
Technological aspects? Of Gardening??? Indeed! In fact, it is our conviction that in a not too-far-away future, when the quality of the food we eat will be recognized by everyone at all interested in health issues, as the primary factor of Health, we believe that almost every health-conscious person will have an Organic and Sustainable "Personal Garden".
Exactly like everyone today has a "Personal Computer", and, in fact, several of them (desktop, laptop, iPod, cell phone, etc). And we also believe that these "Personal Gardens" will often be bought ready-made, be automatized and, actually, robotized. A necessary convenience.
We think of these "Personal Gardens" as the PCs or iPods of Nutrition. And we personally want to be at the forefront of that revolution. In dot-com veteran parlance, we see this as a "killer app'". Perhaps the ultimate killer app'. A paradigm shift of momentous nature, significance, and impact. A meme that has the potential to spread like wildfire. And, obviously, prime IPO material, particularly considering how many patents beg to be applied for around the general concept of "Personal Gardens". Plus, for a host of reasons, it seems fairly clear that the worse things will go for the economy at large, the more Personal Gardens will sell. Considering where we are headed, it should be clear that there is a lot of potential momentum to tap here...
Once you understand the issues at hand and the potential of the whole concept to completely change the way we eat, and in fact, the way we live, we believe you will be as excited as we are, particularly if you are a bit of the entrepreneurially-minded mindset.
And if all you want is to find out how to do-it-yourself optimally and at the least possible cost, you sure found the right pages!
This is the instrument through which we will bring replicable models of what we do to the community, in a way that will allow to emulate them effortlessly. Our goal is to create models that are truly easy to replicate, for anyone so inclined, anywhere in the world.
This blog is currently in development, and will focus on the scientific data linking Health with Diet & Nutrition. A major article about "The Warburg Imperative" is in preparation, as well as an in-depth analysis of the "China Project" data brought to us by Oxford and Cornell Universities and the Chinese Academy of Sciences under the leadership of a man who has been hailed as "the Einstein of Nutrition, Pr Dr T. Colin Campbell.
Interested? Wonderful! You can contact us by email, each blog's URL is also the corresponding email For example, to discover what the email address for a blog named is, you simply replace ".blogspot" by "@gmail" on the model: optimalgardens[.blogspot].com/ giving you [blogname]@gmail[.com]. This is valid for all our blogs.
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If you wish to volunteer to help us set up specialized websites and particularly complex portal sites using the present material and more, presented in a more graphic way, and complemented with multimedia material, we need you! Software such as like of Drupal or Joomla, more advanced forms of Wordpress, etc, is the way to go, so please contact us, you will be very welcome! We already have the hosting, and quite a few domains, all we need is your elbow grease! ;)
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