Welcome to the COMMUNITY ADS & SERVICES BLOG for HEALTH THRU GARDENING here at http://htgcommunityservices.blogspot.com/ .
HEALTH THRU GARDENING is a (for the time being) small grassroots non-profit, currently centered on Santa Monica and Malibu, CA. We focus on the relation between Nutrition and Health, and the best ways to insure optimal nutrition, namely, the creation, maintenance and continuous use of food-producing Organic & Sustainable Gardens.
Hard science demonstrates that the relation between the way we eat and the way we feel as well as the quality and length of our lives is indeed very close. So close that the best experts in the field have come to the conclusion that 95% or more of all chronic or acute diseases and illnesses that afflict us are, in the end, directly or indirectly function of our diet. We definitely are what we eat...
[This post is in the making...]
This ad offers some barter land for veggies, that is, a crop-sharing arrangement, and explains why Organic and Sustainable Agriculture is important.
LAND WANTED, to grow ORGANIC VEGGIES, shared with YOU!
HAVE LAND? GET HEALTH in form of free ORGANIC veggies and fruit! The best win/win deal you ever heard of! Want to EAT ORGANIC at no costs to you whatsoever?
If you have available land, preferably with some usable structures on it (barns, old houses, mobile units, etc), and water, or ~know of someone who does~, you could be eating organic in a few weeks from now, and at absolutely no costs to you, as we are looking for land to grow organic and/or bio-dynamic food on, preferably in Western Los Angeles or Southern Ventura counties, and will compensate you for that land in form of a share of our crops.
Now, you may think, why eat organic? What does “organic agriculture” mean?General Principles: All life is organic and we are all living organisms. In organic agriculture, we practice farming techniques that respect and encourage life, including the microbes in the soil. We do not use manufactured chemicals for pesticides or herbicides because they will damage the living soil. Only composts and cover cropping are used to enrich soil fertility. Nourish the soil as nature intended, and it will nourish the plant. Ultimately, the plant will nourish you!
LAND WANTED, to grow ORGANIC VEGGIES, shared with YOU!
HAVE LAND? GET HEALTH in form of free ORGANIC veggies and fruit! The best win/win deal you ever heard of! Want to EAT ORGANIC at no costs to you whatsoever?
If you have available land, preferably with some usable structures on it (barns, old houses, mobile units, etc), and water, or ~know of someone who does~, you could be eating organic in a few weeks from now, and at absolutely no costs to you, as we are looking for land to grow organic and/or bio-dynamic food on, preferably in Western Los Angeles or Southern Ventura counties, and will compensate you for that land in form of a share of our crops.
Now, you may think, why eat organic? What does “organic agriculture” mean?General Principles: All life is organic and we are all living organisms. In organic agriculture, we practice farming techniques that respect and encourage life, including the microbes in the soil. We do not use manufactured chemicals for pesticides or herbicides because they will damage the living soil. Only composts and cover cropping are used to enrich soil fertility. Nourish the soil as nature intended, and it will nourish the plant. Ultimately, the plant will nourish you!
This ad focuses on the fact that optimal system homeostasis when it comes to human hardware [that is, “optimal health”] is entirely dependent on the quality of the components and of the input. In other words, we are what we eat, ingest and breathe.Most people know that every seven years, absolutely every part of our bodies has been changed at the molecular and atomic level – we are truly brand new. This, of course, is a continuous and on-going process process of equilibrium maintenance and self-repair that ends only with death. But what very few seem to realize is what this means in practice.What this means in practice is that there is nothing more important than providing our system with quality components and input: Eating right, and the right things.
This ad focuses on the fact that optimal system homeostasis when it comes to human hardware [that is, “optimal health”] is entirely dependent on the quality of the components and of the input. In other words, we are what we eat, ingest and breathe.Most people know that every seven years, absolutely every part of our bodies has been changed at the molecular and atomic level – we are truly brand new. This, of course, is a continuous and on-going process process of equilibrium maintenance and self-repair that ends only with death. But what very few seem to realize is what this means in practice.What this means in practice is that there is nothing more important than providing our system with quality components and input: Eating right, and the right things.
This ad is a lot less dramatic that ComAd7 and ComAd09. But it still focuses on the fact that optimal system homeostasis when it comes to human hardware [that is, “optimal health”] is entirely dependent on the quality of the components and of the input. In other words, we are what we eat, ingest and breathe. And that imbalances such as all the “modern” degenerative diseases such as cancer, stroke and cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, immune system dysfunctions, etc, are always directly or indirectly function of the way we eat, of our diet.Most people know that every seven years, absolutely every part of our bodies has been changed at the molecular and atomic level – we are truly brand new. This, of course, is a continuous and on-going process process of equilibrium maintenance and self-repair that ends only with death. But what very few seem to realize is what this means in practice.
[HC-ComAd09] COULD IT BE THAT CANCER IS or was YOUR CHOICE? The good news: Actually it's a reversible choice! This ad is also a dramatic one, and even more focused than ComAd08. It focuses on the fact that optimal system homeostasis when it comes to human hardware [that is, “optimal health”] is entirely dependent on the quality of the components and of the input. In other words, we are what we eat, ingest and breathe. And that dramatic imbalances such as cancer are always directly or indirectly function of the way we eat, of our diet. (...)
To reverse these imbalances, we need on-going access to unadulterated, organic, minimally processed or ideally completely non-processed (that is, RAW) foods and beverages that are attuned to the needs of our body. For this, we need access to our own “potager” or food garden, or at least a local community garden or a CSA [Community-Supported Agriculture] project.A “dramatic” ad like this one might actually help awaken someone who is sick, or has some friend or family member who is ill, and make them aware that most illnesses are reversible, particularly “modern” degenerative illnesses arising from conventional adulterated foods and environmental pollution and the SAD (Standard American Diet”) way of eating.
[HC-ComAd10]: Victory Over Disease through Organic & Sustainable Gardening
[HC-ComAd10]: Victory Over Disease through Organic & Sustainable Gardening
This is another ComAd on the same theme, based of course on the findings of the "China Project" as illustrated in the seminal book by Pr Campbell.
Victory Over Disease through Organic & Sustainable Gardening (Your backyard or Community Garden space)
Victory Over Disease through Organic & Sustainable Gardening (Your backyard or Community Garden space)
Gardening and Victory Over Disease.
The victory we are talking about here is not the type of victory in a foreign war that was the background of the Victory Gardens of 1942-1946, but a type of victory that much people will think of as even more important: Their own, that is, *your* own Victory over Disease, and particularly chronic and degenerative diseases such as cancer, stroke and cardio-vascular diseases, diabetes, immune system dysfunctions and the like.In other words, the Victory of Health over Illness.How something as simple as Organic and Sustainable Gardening could possibly insure such a thing was unclear, until recently. With the release of the data accumulated by three of the world's most prestigious learning institution in three leading countries, the US, UK and China, data collected over a period of twenty years in what is officially called the “China Project”, this is becoming more and more self-evident.This enormous accumulation of raw data has been hailed as “the most comprehensive study in human nutrition ever made”, and certainly is. In turn, the data led to the writing of a seminal book by no less than the head of the “China Project”, a Professor Emeritus of Nutrition at Cornell University, which explores the conclusions that can be made.
The victory we are talking about here is not the type of victory in a foreign war that was the background of the Victory Gardens of 1942-1946, but a type of victory that much people will think of as even more important: Their own, that is, *your* own Victory over Disease, and particularly chronic and degenerative diseases such as cancer, stroke and cardio-vascular diseases, diabetes, immune system dysfunctions and the like.In other words, the Victory of Health over Illness.How something as simple as Organic and Sustainable Gardening could possibly insure such a thing was unclear, until recently. With the release of the data accumulated by three of the world's most prestigious learning institution in three leading countries, the US, UK and China, data collected over a period of twenty years in what is officially called the “China Project”, this is becoming more and more self-evident.This enormous accumulation of raw data has been hailed as “the most comprehensive study in human nutrition ever made”, and certainly is. In turn, the data led to the writing of a seminal book by no less than the head of the “China Project”, a Professor Emeritus of Nutrition at Cornell University, which explores the conclusions that can be made.
ComAd11 focuses on assessing interest in potential business ventures around the concepts developed for Optimal Gardening. Please notice the special licensing terms which spell out the obvious.
Since we teamed up to work on new types of ready-made gardens, on the basis of the very large needs for diet and nutrition changes in Western countries revealed by the seminal “China Project”, hailed as “the most comprehensive study in human nutrition ever made”, we came across the facts that many self-evident elements that would make optimal gardening almost effortless and largely automated actually currently do not exist.This is true even of the simplest of elements, such as rational and low-cost systems to erect the walls of “raised beds”, which for now are usually made of an increasingly expensive commodity: Wood, or simple and truly ready-to-install out-of-the-box automated watering systems.Our study of what the optimal conditions and tools for automated or ready-made Organic and Sustainable Gardens or “Potagers” would be led us to the steady accumulation of numerous elements for patent applications with substantial potential for mass-market sales.
[HC-ComAd12] - The true secrets of Weightloss, Weight Control, Youthfulness and Youthful Appearance.
[HC-ComAd12] - The true secrets of Weightloss, Weight Control, Youthfulness and Youthful Appearance.
This ad a more general version of an earlier barter ad. At first, it appears to focus on issue generally recognized as being associated to women's interest: Weight, appearance, etc. But it quickly shifts to the real underlying and more general issue of Health, since weight, appearance, youthfulness and health all in the end boil down to the same general basic issue: How we eat and what we eat.This ad introduces “The China Project” and calls upon considering growing one's own foods, as much as can be done. Of course, at the time being, this is unlikely to happen too often, as most people don't have the time or inclination to do so. So it reminds the reader that this can be done for them, or for a fee, or in some sort of barter arrangement. And that, sooner or later, ready-made gardens will be widely available.
[Many more to be listed and commented upon...]
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